GB The prize is awarded yearly to the most innovative engine of the year.
The award is sponsored by DIESEL magazine, since 32 year the only European magazine dealing with all themes related to development, manufacturing and use of diesel engines in all industrial and automotive applications.

The winner engine is entitled to use the logo DIESEL OF THE YEAR® and is the subject of a special feature in the magazine.
Applications to the DIESEL OF THE YEAR award are free.

The winners:

2018 Deutz TCD9.0

2017 Liebherr D9812
2016 Man D3876
2015 Kohler Kdi3404 Tcr Scr
2014 Fpt Industrial Cursor 16
2013 MTU 6R 1500
2011 JCB Ecomax
2010 Deutz Tcd 2.9 L4
2009 Perkins 1206E-E70TTA
2008 Fpt F 32
2007 Cummins B3.3
2006 John Deere PowerTech Plus 6090


In primo piano

KEY25 è alle porte

Dal 5 al 7 marzo alla Fiera di Rimini, KEY25 sarà vocata all'efficientamento energetico e alla mobilità elettrica. Nuovi focus sui porti e sull'idrogeno.

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