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Liebherr D9812 and Kohler SDMO

Liebherr and Kohler. Born for Liebherr mining applications, grew up as a genset for Kohler SDMO, D9812 is developing the strong identity of a polyhedral and efficient industrial engine for the free market heavy-duty applications. In the previous articles, our readers got to know the winner of the “D...

In primo piano

KEY25 è alle porte

Dal 5 al 7 marzo alla Fiera di Rimini, KEY25 sarà vocata all'efficientamento energetico e alla mobilità elettrica. Nuovi focus sui porti e sull'idrogeno.

kd series

Liebherr D9812 and Kohler SDMO

Liebherr and Kohler. Born for Liebherr mining applications, grew up as a genset for Kohler SDMO, D9812 is developing the strong identity of a polyhedral and efficient industrial engine for the free market heavy-duty applications. In the previous articles, our readers got to know the winner of the “D...