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Liebherr Krone. Il D9508 in cabina di regia

Liebherr Krone, alias D9508 and BiG X880. La BiG X 880, l’aggiornamento della potente trincia di Krone non si limita alla cabina completamente ristilizzata. L’altro piatto forte del menu Krone riguarda la motorizzazione, affidata a Liebherr, che sottolinea la fiducia di Krone nei confron...

D9508 and Krone. With Liebherr in the heart…

D9508 and BiG X880. The BiG X 880 manufactured by Krone is not only enhanced by a brand new cab lift. The big news showcased at Agritechnica 2017 is not the only selling point of the latest forage harvester released by Krone. The other strong aspect is the Liebherr engine, underlining Krone’s ...

Liebherr D964 9 liter at Agritechnica

Liebherr will introduce at Agritechnica its new 4-cylinder in-line D964 engine. Nine liters, 300 kW maximum power output and 1,700 Nm at 1,400 rpm make this Stage V compliant engine well suited for use in off-highway applications with frequent load and engine speed variations. D964 and the full inte...

Liebherr ECU. Reliable control for powerful engines

Liebherr D9812 ECU D9812 ECU. Liebherr is able to take care of all the vital organs of a motor. Starting from heart (the monoblock), continuing with blood vessels and blood pressure (common rail) and also synapses and the brain, in order to handle the whole process in the best way and keep everythin...

In primo piano

KEY25 è alle porte

Dal 5 al 7 marzo alla Fiera di Rimini, KEY25 sarà vocata all'efficientamento energetico e alla mobilità elettrica. Nuovi focus sui porti e sull'idrogeno.


Liebherr Krone. Il D9508 in cabina di regia

Liebherr Krone, alias D9508 and BiG X880. La BiG X 880, l’aggiornamento della potente trincia di Krone non si limita alla cabina completamente ristilizzata. L’altro piatto forte del menu Krone riguarda la motorizzazione, affidata a Liebherr, che sottolinea la fiducia di Krone nei confron...

D9508 and Krone. With Liebherr in the heart…

D9508 and BiG X880. The BiG X 880 manufactured by Krone is not only enhanced by a brand new cab lift. The big news showcased at Agritechnica 2017 is not the only selling point of the latest forage harvester released by Krone. The other strong aspect is the Liebherr engine, underlining Krone’s ...

Liebherr D964 9 liter at Agritechnica

Liebherr will introduce at Agritechnica its new 4-cylinder in-line D964 engine. Nine liters, 300 kW maximum power output and 1,700 Nm at 1,400 rpm make this Stage V compliant engine well suited for use in off-highway applications with frequent load and engine speed variations. D964 and the full inte...

Liebherr ECU. Reliable control for powerful engines

Liebherr D9812 ECU D9812 ECU. Liebherr is able to take care of all the vital organs of a motor. Starting from heart (the monoblock), continuing with blood vessels and blood pressure (common rail) and also synapses and the brain, in order to handle the whole process in the best way and keep everythin...